I'm a fused glass artist and I love to create things.
This blog is about my art, my newest creations and anything that fancies me!

Please feel free to check out my website where I sell all my pieces:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Awards, Art & Gratitude, Oh My!

I am so honored to have received the Kreativ Blogger Award, not once, but twice now! I have received blogging awards before and although I am truly grateful for receiving them, I am not one to play by the rules, and don't list my "favorite" things and pass them along to other bloggers. I do sincerely appreciate them, but being the busy gal that I am, I don't partake in playing...... so YES, I am a chain mail breaker, blog award breaker, and I don't ever, I mean EVER, pass along emails that tell me to send this to x-amount of people or bad luck will happen (or good luck, for that matter). No hard feelings. As far as my favorite things.....my FAVORITE thing of all besides my family is ART and if you follow my blog, you surely know this by now.

So, now that I confessed all that, I did want to take the time to give a shout out to the gal who awarded me this, as I have a personal LOVE for her and her husband's artwork. I found the fabulous RavenX on her etsy shop, Dirty Pretty Things and immediately started following her blog. The name of her shop alone intrigued me! Through her blog, she had posted a give-away that her husband, MikieP, was having in his etsy shop. He was giving away one free mini-print every day through the month of February. Well, I adore his artwork, with all the superheroes, whimsical illustrations and the process he goes through making his art. Its fascinating! Of course I entered virtually every day and low and behold, I won one of his prints! I picked my favorite - The Little Seamstress:

His description of this piece is:
This little girl was born without a Heart.
With Love and Hope, she crafted one of fabric in her sewing room, so that someday she would be able to give it to her soul mate.

Well, there is a mate that went along with the seamstress in his shop and I had to get him also, as one cannot be without the other. This one is The Little Craftsman:

This little boy was born without a Heart.
With Spirit and Passion, he crafted one of wood in his workshop so that someday he would be able to give it to his soul mate.

I was then on a roll and of course had to get a mini print from Raven and I had my eye on her piece, The Sweet Escape.

Of course I'm a huge Gwen Stefani fan and I could NOT pass this up. And I love the saying she has on it: "i know i've been a real bad girl" - because really, we all have a little bad in us!


Waterrose said...

Oh that is wonderful! Thanks for featuring this...going off to look at the blog.

Raven said...

YOU, my dear, are truly a treasure and one of my Etsy BFFs whether you like it or not. :)
This is a beautiful post and we THANK YOU from the bottom of our fabric and wooden hearts for all of your support and sweetness. MUCH LOVE to you from me and Mikiep!


Anonymous said...

GOOD for you Deb!!! It is always wonderful to see artists & bloggers receive the recognition they deserve. And hey, great minds must think alike because I blogged about you yesterday! LOL. check it out when you can. hugs!

Amy Lilley Designs said...

This is a wonderful wonderful post Miss Deb. I have not played by the pass it along rules either, but you put it so very well. Congrats on this excellent and SO WELL DESERVED award...lovely work from Raven!!!

Jasmijn Paauwe - van Est said...

wow this is absolutely amazing!

Unknown said...

These are so much fun! Thanks for sharing - I'm off to do some hearting. I love the GS - perfect, absolutely perfect!

On another note - mailed Stella off today :-)
