I'm a fused glass artist and I love to create things.
This blog is about my art, my newest creations and anything that fancies me!

Please feel free to check out my website where I sell all my pieces:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Yes, that's right kids, today's my birthday and I turn 40!!! And what better day to have it than Friday, the 13th! So, I'm feeling great about this birthday and I feel like I'm at the perfect place in my life right now doing exactly what I love to do - isn't life just FABULOUS!

So, what do I have planned for my big day you ask? I get to spend it with my son's kindergarten class, as I am their volunteer party coordinator, and get to spend the day making crafts with the kids! Seriously, what could be more fun? His teacher knew what she was doing when she asked me to coordinate all their parties this year! I absolutely love kids and making crafts...so, yeah, it will be a great time. I'm planning on making bottle cap necklaces with the kids using valentine images and even got some cool ones for the boys (robots, monsters, ninjas, etc.). Of course I took it another step further and made these fun polymer clay robot key chains for all the kids to take home with them - a little party favor, if you will. I get so excited making things with the kids and just love being around them. They all call me "Carson's Mom" when they ask me something and that always puts a smile on my face!

As for tonight, dinner with the hubby and son - crab legs galore - my favorite!


The Milkshake said...

Sounds like a fun day!
The robots are so CUTE! :D

Beth Anderson said...

Happy Birthday my friend!!! How great that you spent it at school like I usually spend mine. LOL
Luv ya tons....wore my Valentine heart all week. Loads of compliments.

Deb DiSalvo said...

Thanks Beth! It was loads of fun!

Merry said...

I love the robot keychains. How creative! I hope you had a great birthday.

Amy Lilley Designs said...

I am not surprised....one of my closest friends on the planet is born on Feb. 13th...and YOU TOO!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS DEB...and the big 40...many, many more joyous, blessed, healthy and creative days...

your friend,
Edward's Mom

Deb DiSalvo said...

aw, thank you, Amy!! HUGS!!

Anonymous said...

Deb, those robot keychains are so darn cute! I would totally buy one if you had 'em in your shop (hint hint) or better yet...robot earrings!!! Anyhoo, I saw this article in a blog and thought as our cols etsy glass guru you might be interested. Link below. take care! -K