I'm a fused glass artist and I love to create things.
This blog is about my art, my newest creations and anything that fancies me!

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Muse

Today I finished this fabulous framed fused glass custom order for The Muse. I met this amazing gal on iEmporium. She is a wonderful writer, full of inspiration. In her website, "I Am The Muse", she describes herself saying, "I am on a journey to become the woman I have always been destined to be, a woman of strength, compassion, inner beauty and a vessel without measure." She states, "my view of the world is seen through the eyes of any artist, a designer, a writer and above all a dreamer. The vision looks beyond the moment." Her writings are phenomenal and worth taking a look at!

In this piece, I tried to catch the essence of her passion for writing and the beauty of her soul.

She has a lovely avatar, which was my inspiration for this piece.


PurrPrints said...

beautiful custom piece Deb--you've obviously got a muse of your own!

thanks for the idea on my poll giveaway too. I haven't worked with metal at all before--any suggestions? Is that something you've done much with?

Amy Lilley Designs said...

Beautiful, delicate, poetic...what a lovely, lovely piece for our dear Muse!!!

The Muse said...

I Love It...No Adore It!

It reaches so far beyond my hopes! Excellent Deb, I am truly amazed and honored!

Anonymous said...

Stunning!!!!!! You have captured the Muse perfectly :O)

Unknown said...

Oh my simply outstanding Deb! Wow, I am so impressed and you are so talented!!!!

Deb DiSalvo said...

Thank you all for the lovely comments. It was a real pleasure making this and I am just thrilled of the outcome! Thanks for the request from the Muse!!!!!


LizzyT said...

I love your work, you have an amazing talent.

raquel roysdon said...

I love it!!! How fabulous. Where will it be? On the wall, is it jewelry? Deb you are awesome artist wowoowowo

S. A. Hart said...

Beautiful work! I love the idea of a muse that one can wear. In my blog, The Artist's Muse, in July I posted a piece about artist's muses. It's called "Ariadne's Thread". Here's the link: http://sharonahart.blogspot.com/2008/07/ariadnes-thread.html

I'm delighted I found your blog!

Anonymous said...

Raquel - this is a framed fused glass art piece. It can be hung on a wall or set on a table. Thanks for your comments!

Deb DiSalvo said...

I don't know why I previous comment says "anonymous" - that was from me!

Anonymous said...

Very nicely done...it suits her to a T!! It is lovely!

Waterrose said...

That is beautiful..I love the writing behind and the frame....bravo!

riablahgs said...

Your creations are really beautiful! Wow.....