I'm a fused glass artist and I love to create things.
This blog is about my art, my newest creations and anything that fancies me!

Please feel free to check out my website where I sell all my pieces:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Are you ready to rock???

Well then check out these fused glass guitar pins that I have listed in my etsy shop!


Anonymous said...

OMG Those are so awesome! I'm racking my brain trying to think who I could buy one for Xmas. LOL. I am in awe of your talent!

Anonymous said...

I'm a glass artist (and other things) and I jus found you through entrecard...i love your fusing and your small intricate cutting! Recently I work mainly in powdered frit when it comes to glass...have you taken a class at Corning in Corning NY?? you would love it - if you check out my blog archives I have some post from my recent time there. great fun finding you I hope we can stay in tuned with each other!

Contrariwise said...

How cute are those!

Hot Rocks said...

Those are so cute! I love your designs!

Beaderjojo said...

Those ARE rockin! Very cool indeed.

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Wow - those are sooo cool!